Friday, October 2, 2009

Methods 1 and 2

As a person who learned to type on a manual typewriter (and many people today have never even seen one of those!), I find that the Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 has a lot of information that is difficult to wrap my brain around. There is a lot of change, and a lot of new things to learn about.
I hope that in the midst of all these new innovations, which the young grasp so eagerly and easily, Library 2.0 will try to remain “user friendly” to people of my generation, as well as keeping step with the current generation.
The most user-friendly example that I can think of is the Amazon site. As a lifelong bibliophile, I have navigated several online bookseller sites. Amazon is not only easy to use (for me), but I can access almost any product I might desire to buy from their website. They have partnered with very small used book dealers for out-of-print or rare editions, as well as other booksellers who might be considered rivals, to build a mutually beneficial marketing empire.
If Library 2.0 were to follow Amazon’s example, perhaps libraries could begin mutually beneficial partnerships with other learning centers, from smaller public libraries to museums and perhaps even used book dealers. Links to publishers are already included with many bibliographic records. Digitization of local historical papers could have far-reaching influence, not just locally, but for researchers in particular aspects of history around the globe.
An old-school cataloger, I’m not sure if I am yet ready to open the bibliographic records up for patron “tagging” and book reviews as Amazon has done. However, if that is what is coming, then I must be ready for it.
This is about as far as my brain will stretch at the moment, but I realize I have only barely skimmed the surface of new technology.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Owlswife - I learned to type on an IBM Selectric - they had just gotten rid of the manual typerwriters and I agree that some of this is almost more than I can understand. As far as letting patrons edit cataloging records - NOOOOOO. I can go with the idea of letting them suggest things to add, but opening them up for anyone to edit is just to scary.
